Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chapter 6: The two remaining Collisions

         Though Mike and Julie were done with their battles, Alex and Lily were still going on with theirs. Alex was having a rought time with Angela. She had managed to scratch him in his legs and arms with her now long nails. Alex made a big wall of earth between them, in order for him to buy some time. He ran to where Lily was fighting with Chris.
Alex:"Lily!" he screamed to her. She turned around for a few seconds and saw the condition in which he was. She had been trying to take down Chris but he was running so fast, that she could barely make a blur out of him. She knew she had to go aid Alex, so she froze the area in which Chris had constantly ran through and she froze him. She then ran to Alex and began to heal his wounds.
Lily:"My God Alex, you have to keep your distance with Angela"
Alex:"I know, but it's kinda hard.Gah!" he screamed in pain
Lily:"I'm sorry, just hold on for a little longer and it will all be healed." Her hands had been placed on Alex's wounds and they were glowing a light pink-purple color.
Lily:"There, all done. Now go and beat her already. Or do you need some help?"She teased him, knowing this would make him angry and get more serious.
Alex:"Hah!As if, it seems you need a hand over there" he said pointing towards Chris, who was now almost free.
Lily:"Oops. Well, don't get hurt!"She smiled at him then headed towards Chris. Alex, on the other hand looked at his wall and in the next second it shattered into a thousand pieces. It was Angela's famous sonic scream. He didn't want to imagine what it could have done to him if his wall hadn't been there. 
Angela:"Come out Alex. I'm not done playing over here" she whinned. Everyone who faced Angela knew that this was nothing but a game to her. It amused her to cause pain to others. Alex then appeared infront of her and punched the ground with both of his fists, causing the ground to split. The crack was headed straight to Angela, but she barely managed to dodge it. Meanwhile Alex had taken a few small rocks and threw them in her direction. 
Angela:"You missed!"
Alex:"Not really" he said while grinning. He then clenched both hands into fists and the rocks that he had thrown, that were now close to Angela, exploded. There were loud bangs, but just to make sure, he surrounded her body with earth. Even if she would end up waking up, she would not be able to move an inch. He was quite happy with his victory and was going to shout something to Lily, but when he turned to see how she was doing he turned pale.
         Lily had been doing fine, until Chris made some poisoned needles and had thrown them at Lily. She had dodged most of them, but four had caught her in her arm. She pulled them out and tried to heal it, but Chris knew better and began his second attack. He threw one punch after another, but Lily could only block a few. She knew that she had to do something, or else she would be done for. She began to surround her body with water, then she made the water jump from her body, and durned into ice needles and pierced Chris to a wall. She then wasted no time and froze his body completely from head to toes in a thick layer of ice. 
        Her arm was bleeding pretty badly by the time in which Alex was by her side.
Alex:"God, um, what should I do? Should I wrap it with some cloth?"He asked getting nervous and uneasy about her wound. Lily giggled at his reaction.
Alex:"What's so funny?"
Lily:"You are, of course"
Alex:"Why?" he asked blushing a little
Lily:"Because you are getting too worked up over my wound. It's nothing really" She assured him as they walked to meet with the others.

Chapter 5: The first two Collisions

            The fight had started off with Mike v/s Bruno, Alex v/s Angela, Julie v/s Rose and Lily v/s Chris. Lily had told Julie to hide Nick, and she covered him with a veil of invisibility so the others wouldn't harm him.
        Mike had been throwing fire balls at Bruno, but he duplicated himself each time. Once Mike missed, Bruno transformed into a rhinoceros and threw Mike against the wall. He then turned to normal, but duplicated him self into two. His clone held Mike up and Bruno began to punch him. Mike took a deep breath and then a few sparks flew out of his body, then lightning was thrown in every direction. This had pushed both Bruno and his clone some meters away from him.
Bruno:"I-is that th-the best you've got?"He said holding on the wall for support, his T-shirt had been torn in a few parts and his jeans were all covered with dirt.
Mike:"Not even close" Mike took the chance of him not being able to stand up so well and he began to form a enormous fire ball.
Bruno:"You think that with that you'll bring me down?" he said as he turned into a bison and ran towards Mike. Mike concentrated some more and some sparks began to form around the fire ball.
Mike:"Just a bit closer..." he said as Bruno kept on running at him. He was a few meters away and Mike threw the fireball that was surrounded by electricity to Bruno and it hit him head on. The impact made a huge burst and Bruno and Mike were sent flying. Mike began to stand up, putting one hand on the side of his head and feeling it wet he knew he had hits something with it. He looked over to Bruno's figure, but he didn't move.
Mike:"He must be unconcious then" He said to himself and he looked over to the other ones who were still fighting. 
          On the other side, the battle was between Julie and Rose. Julie had turned herself invisible and Rose was sniffing the air. She had been doing that to locate where Julie was and then she could attack her. Julie was standing to the far left of Rose, but she then smelled her sent and threw a gust and sent Julie flying to the wall. Julie fell to the ground but stood up very fast. She kept her invisibility on but concentrated on forming invisible walls around Rose.
Rose:"What, don't tell me you're going to give up?"she mocked
Julie:"In your dreams Rose, we're going to destroy it even if you don't want us to!" After that Rose ran straight towards Julie, but then Julie moved her right hand sharply to her left and the wall she had created pueshed Rose to the wall. As soon as she stood up, Julie did the same motion but with her left hand. Her last move was moving both of her hands upwards, and when she brought them down; Rose fell to the ground and did not stand up. 
       Julie then looked up and saw that Mike had already won and ran towards him. She hugged him, thinking that she was very happy to see that he was alright.
Mike:"You're ok?You're not so hurt?"
Julie:"Nope, I'm ok. I'm worried about Alex and Lily that are still fighting Angela and Chris." 
Mike:"Julie, go get Nick and then we'll go help the others"
Julie:"Ok" she said while went towards Nick who had been hiding near the door all the time.
Nick:"What is going on?" he asked with fear in his voice.
Julie:"It's fine, a fight, but it's going to be ok. Here come with me" she said offering him her hand. He took it and they went to where Mike was waiting.

Chapter 4: Encounter

            The alarm had gone off and all the guards were alert. The corridors were full with guards but Lily, Julie, Nick, Alex and Mike had managed to keep out of sight. They had been able to hear that few "of their type" were let out to help for the search. The ones who were chosen for this were Angela, Chris, Rose and Bruno. 
Julie:"I'm really sorry, but I can't carry you guys anymore" she said as she set all of them slowly on the ground.
Mike:"It's fine, we do weigh a lot." He said gently to her.
Lily: "Yeah, my brother's right. Besides, we can walk too you know" she said reasuring her with a smile. 
Julie."Ok, as long as walking's fine with you guys"
Alex:"Sure, I'm good with walking" So the five of them continued by foot.
Mike:"Alex, how far from the laboratory are we?" Alex took out the map and it showed that they only had to go one floor higher and it was the third door to the right.
Alex:"Just a bit more, we're almost there"
Lily:"Good, lets go then" They encountered a few more guards, but they were easily brought down by Lily and Julie. They went up to the fourth floor, looked around, but the halls were empty. There was no one to be found.
Alex:"Alright, I bet they all were called downstairs. Hurry up and lets go!" He said hurrying up infront of the others.
Lily:"Hold on!," she said holding him back from his arm,"What if they are waiting for us in an ambush. We have to be on the look out" Then, behind them a voice spoke.
Rose:"She is absolutely right about that" she laughed. The five of them spun around and were face to face with Rose, Angela, Chirs and Bruno.
Chris:"We were waiting for you"
Angela:"What took you so long?" She said, playing with one of her long golden locks.

Mike:"Well, we just had to make sure that we passed quietly...But with you four here, it won't be possible" he said getting in a fighting pose.
Bruno:"How right you are. Let's cut the talk and fight!" He said as he lept at Mike.

Chapter 3: The Breakout

         The hours passed by ever so slowly for the six of them, but the time had finally arrived. It was close to 10:45 pm and they were all ready waiting for Johnny and Luke to begin. Mike and Alex were hiding in one corner of their cell, where cockroaches lurked everywhere. They were hoping and praying this would work. If it did, they would all be able to destroy the rock and stop this war that has been going for seven years. They all hoped that they would be able to be reunited with their families. Suddenly the boys were snapped out of their thoughts by a loud bang.
Alex:"Alright, they have begun. Lets go"He said and they both approached the door of their cell.
Mike:"Ok, lets just hope they keep them busy enough." He said while he pointed at the lock on the door with his right index finger as fire came out of it directly at the lock in a straight line.
Alex:"Come on Mike, hurry it up. Give it more juice" he said getting nervous that they would get caught.
Mike:"Fine." he answered and a blast of fire came out and in two seconds the door was opened. The boys looked at each other and got out of their cell slowly, looking everywhere to see that the coast was clear. The got to a corner and came face to face with two guards.
Guard 1:"What the!?"
Guard 2:"How did you get out?!" They went to attack them, throwing kicks and punches. Alex dodged the punch and grabbed the guard's arm and threw him to the wall. Then he put his hands in front of him and put them together, and the guard that had been thrown to the wall was trapped in an earth layer. On the other side, Mike also dodged the guard's attacks and with one simple hand gesture he sent an electric blot. The guard fell to the floor, unable to move. 
Alex:"Good to see that we can manage them" he said with a goofy smile while patting Mike on the back.
Mike:"Haha, yeah. Lets go get the girls out" he said as they continued to walk throught the corridors. The walls were grey, the lights were bright and the floor was light blue. By the time they reached the girls' cell, the found that the door was wide open. The boys looked at each other with questioning eyes.
Mike:"Lily? Julie? Are you guys in there?" he whispered. There was no answer and they began to get nervous. Right at that moment Alex felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around, but saw no one.
Alex:"How did you guys manage to escape?" he asked and then Julie, Lily and a small boy appeared in front of them.
Julie:"That was easy"
Lily:"Yup, I froze the whole door, and then Julie kicked the door open" she said with a smile.
Mike:"Yeah well, that was not part of our plan" he scolded
Julie:"We had to, in order to get Nick before you guys got here" she mentioned as she refered to the 8 year old boy who was standing behind Lily, holding her hand. He had light brown hair with green eyes.
Alex:"You brought a kid? Why?" he said freaking out.
Lily:"We bumped with him in the cafeteria after we separated from you guys. He seemed as if he was about to start crying."
Julie:"So we asked what was wrong and he told us that he didn't want to be here any more."
Lily: "So we thought of bringing him with us. He doesn't have anyone left..."She said looking sadly over to Nick.

Mike:"Ok, we'll bring him with us," he said while getting to his knees, "so you're going to have to do as we tell you, ok?" he said as he rubbed Nick's head.
Nick:"Ok" he said blushing and then quickly hid behind Lily.
Mike:" Haha, ok I do have to admit that he's cute"
Alex:"He is, but we better hurry. I hear some guards coming closer"
Lily:"Do you guys have the map?"
Alex:"Yes, I took this one out of the guard's pocket"
Mike:"Julie, if you please" 
Julie:"Alright, please don't move so much. I hope that you're all not so heavy" she said and she began to levitate all of them. Once they were high enough, she put an invisibility shield over them and began to move through the corridors.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Chapter 2: The Plan

Mike and Alex were sitting down and eating when two girls sat next to them: Lily and Julie. They carefuly looked in every direction, trying not to look suspicious either, to make sure that no guard would be near and that no one near them would be able to hear them.
Lily:"Hi Mike, how was your battle yesterday?"
Mike:"It was good, I won. How about you girls?"
Lily:"I also won, it was easy really."
Julie:"Yup, also won. So, what's the plan right now?"
Alex:"We need to find reliable people to make a distracion for Mike and I to escape and then
we'll get you girls out too."
Lily:"Ok, so do you have anyone in mind?"
Mike:"Not really, we hoped you might have a few."
Julie:"True, we're liked more than you two" she laughed.
Alex:"It's not our fault...We just happen to beat everyone and they get mad at us."
Mike:"Yeah, you two manage that too but they like you even more." 
Lily:"Do I sense some jealousy in there brother?" she teased.
Mike:"Hmph! Not at all little sis..." obviously getting jealous.
Alex:"Ahem, we're getting off topic here! So, who do you have in mind?"
Julie:"Ah, well that's easy. We could ask Johnny and Luke to do it." She said happily
Lily:"That's right, they think the same as us, and are really sweet."
Alex:“Right! So how can we contact them?” He asked getting a bit angry with their comments.
Julie:“Hmm, well we could ask them right now if you want.”
Mike: “Why don’t you just bring them over so we can all talk about it” He said not liking the idea
of the four of them alone.
Lily: “Ok, but you have to wait. We need to make it seem as if we just casually bump into them.
You know, so it doesn’t look suspicious.”
Alex:“Good idea!”
Mike:“Yup, so go on. Hurry up!” he said shooing them.
Lily:“Alright, alright...God, you’re so pushy!” she said walking off with Julie.
Alex:“I actually hope those two guys can help us out.”
Mike:“Yeah, but I don’t like the idea of Lily and Julie having to go get them though.”
Alex:“True, but it sounds more like you don’t want them getting near Julie. Am I right?” he said
elbowing Mike on his ribs.
Mike:“What do you mean?” he said pushing him away and blushing a little.
Alex:“You know exactly what I mean. You like her, and we both know it.” he said grinning.
Mike:"W-well, don't think I haven't seen how you look at my sister."He replied, with the same
smile Alex had given him before. Now it was his turn to go red.
Alex: "Ah, em, I-I have noooo idea what you're talking about" he said getting all nervous. Mike
laughed and patted him on the back.
Mike:"It's fine, I don't mind. Well, if you do break her heart, be sure to know that I'll be the one
who has to stop Lily from killing you."
Alex: "Yeah...I'll sure die if I harm her. But it's not in my mind to do that you know!"
Mike: "Yes, I know. So I leave her in your care now. Please, don't leave her out of your reach and
don't let her get harmed." He said giving Alex a serious and caring look.
Alex: "Thanks, you know this means a lot to me. Coming from her brother."
Mike: "Yup. Oh, they're coming over. Lets continue this later" he said since the girls and two
boys were approaching them. The four of them sat down with Alex and Mike. Johnny was a few
centimeters shorter than Mike, looked buff and had brown hair with hazel eyes. Luke was as tall
as Alex and had blue eyes with golden curls.
Mike:"Did the girls tell you a bit what it's about?" he asked the new arrivals.
Luke:"They did."
Johnny:"And we've come to the decision of helping you guys."
Alex:"Really? You do know the consequences if you get caught, right?"
Luke:"We do, but we can't keep on looking from the sidelines any more. We're tired of this.."
Johnny:"Yeah, we want to go back to our normal lives once more...if there is any way that we can
return to that, then we're going to help you out as much as we can."
Mike:"Thank you guys. Now, this is the plan..." Mike told them their whole plan, and they agreed in making the distractions. They had everything ready, and just had to wait until tomorrow night, that was when they were going to carry it all out. Before they took any longer, they said good-bye to each other and headed to their cells.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Chapter 1: Reality

        It was all dark, but two beds with a pillow and blankets that had holes could be barely seen. The floor was covered with dust and the walls had too many spider webs. On the cold-floored cell near the far left, there was a siluette, and to the right there was another one. The one to the left began to shift and there was a soft grunt.

Mike:"God, next time I'd wish they would drop us in here more softly" he said while rubbing the back of his head. His eyes got used to the dark and he moved closer to the other siluette. 
Mike: "Alex,hey Alex. Wake up man" he said shaking up the red-head.
Alex:"Hmm? Oh, hey Mike. How did you sleep?" he asked laughing.
Mike: "Hah, just peachy thank-you."
Alex:"Well, they really like to train us until we can't stand anymore..."
Mike:"Yeah.I had to fight against Chris." 

Alex:"Ah, I've heard he's a tough one." 
Mike:"He is, but I still won. Who did you go against?" 
Alex:"Angela. She's also strong..." 
Mike:"You lost, didn't you?" he asked laughing.
Alex:"Yeah, but I almost had her!" 
Mike:"Hahaha, I bet you did." 
Alex:"Yeah. Hey, um...how's your sister?" 
Mike:"Lily? She's fine, got to talk to her yesterday for a bit. She just keeps on getting stronger." Nick:"Ah, that's nice to hear. Oh yeah! I was talking with Julie the other day and she asked what the plan was going to be." 
Mike:"Right now what we have to do is find some reliable people besides you, Lily, Julie and I to make a distraction in order for you and me to escape, and getting the girls out too."
Alex:"That's true, but not all of the rest agree with this. Some are in favour of Aaron and the stone, like Chris, Angela and _____ ?"
Mike: I know, but destroying it is the only hope left for us if we all want to escape and live normal lives again."
Alex:"I know, but what if something goes wrong and one of us is caught? What will we do then? And what will they do to the one they've captured?"
Mike:"There's always that chance, but wouldn't you rather try than not doing anything at all?"
Alex:"Well, if I think more about it, I want to see my family again.." he said with a nostalgic look on his face.
Mike:"Exactly. I want Lily to live like we used to. She got taken away when she was barely 12 and I was 13. I saw the whole thing and ran after them to try to take her back, but they took me too. We've never seen our parents since then..."
Alex:"Me too, I was on my backyard when two men ambushed me and took me to some laboratory. I was 14 years old back then."
Mike:"So it's decided then." he said beginning to stand up, offering a hand towards Alex.
Alex:"Yup, lets do it!" he said. Then a guard appeared infront of their cell.
Guard:"Hey you two! It's time for you maggots to eat, so get out already!" The boys advanced towards the opened cell door, anxious to carry out their plan, not knowing what dangers awaited them outside the four walls they knew.

Friday, June 3, 2011


The plot of te story consists on Mike trying to escape of his celd, with the help of others, and with them they search the whole laboratory in search of the rock. The problem for them is getting caught, since there are other people who were exxperimented with, that want the rock to stay.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My character

The main character of my story is called Mike. He is 21 years old and is a product of human experimentation in the year 2127 of the planet Pax. He is quite tall, about 6 feet tall and fit. He has light brown colored hair and honey colored eyes. He is also very tall and strong.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Introduction about the author

My name is Patricia Sepúlveda and I am currently 19 years old. I live in Quilicura, though I used to live in La Cisterna ten years ago. I attend to the Alberto Hurtado University and this is my first year. Though the university is tiring, I'm trying my hardest to keep up with it and to turn in the assignments on time.

A few of my hobbies are singing, playing soccer and drawing. Some other things that I like to do are hanging out with my friends, cooking and watching movies. Some things that I don't like are sushi, salmon, mustard, cooked spinach and scary movies. I do end up watching scary movies, but I tend to jump and scream a lot.

I´m studying right now to become an English teacher. I chose this because I want to help children to learn how to speak, read and write in English, so in the future it may help when they want to get a job. Since English right now is becoming a necessary thing for one to know, when talking about jobs, I would like to help the children, for their future, to get closer in achieving what they want.

I hope to achieve a change in society, even if it's a small one, I'm going to be happy. And my last comment will be a quote that I like: "A day withougth laughter is a day wasted"- Charles Chaplin