Monday, June 20, 2011

Chapter 1: Reality

        It was all dark, but two beds with a pillow and blankets that had holes could be barely seen. The floor was covered with dust and the walls had too many spider webs. On the cold-floored cell near the far left, there was a siluette, and to the right there was another one. The one to the left began to shift and there was a soft grunt.

Mike:"God, next time I'd wish they would drop us in here more softly" he said while rubbing the back of his head. His eyes got used to the dark and he moved closer to the other siluette. 
Mike: "Alex,hey Alex. Wake up man" he said shaking up the red-head.
Alex:"Hmm? Oh, hey Mike. How did you sleep?" he asked laughing.
Mike: "Hah, just peachy thank-you."
Alex:"Well, they really like to train us until we can't stand anymore..."
Mike:"Yeah.I had to fight against Chris." 

Alex:"Ah, I've heard he's a tough one." 
Mike:"He is, but I still won. Who did you go against?" 
Alex:"Angela. She's also strong..." 
Mike:"You lost, didn't you?" he asked laughing.
Alex:"Yeah, but I almost had her!" 
Mike:"Hahaha, I bet you did." 
Alex:"Yeah. Hey,'s your sister?" 
Mike:"Lily? She's fine, got to talk to her yesterday for a bit. She just keeps on getting stronger." Nick:"Ah, that's nice to hear. Oh yeah! I was talking with Julie the other day and she asked what the plan was going to be." 
Mike:"Right now what we have to do is find some reliable people besides you, Lily, Julie and I to make a distraction in order for you and me to escape, and getting the girls out too."
Alex:"That's true, but not all of the rest agree with this. Some are in favour of Aaron and the stone, like Chris, Angela and _____ ?"
Mike: I know, but destroying it is the only hope left for us if we all want to escape and live normal lives again."
Alex:"I know, but what if something goes wrong and one of us is caught? What will we do then? And what will they do to the one they've captured?"
Mike:"There's always that chance, but wouldn't you rather try than not doing anything at all?"
Alex:"Well, if I think more about it, I want to see my family again.." he said with a nostalgic look on his face.
Mike:"Exactly. I want Lily to live like we used to. She got taken away when she was barely 12 and I was 13. I saw the whole thing and ran after them to try to take her back, but they took me too. We've never seen our parents since then..."
Alex:"Me too, I was on my backyard when two men ambushed me and took me to some laboratory. I was 14 years old back then."
Mike:"So it's decided then." he said beginning to stand up, offering a hand towards Alex.
Alex:"Yup, lets do it!" he said. Then a guard appeared infront of their cell.
Guard:"Hey you two! It's time for you maggots to eat, so get out already!" The boys advanced towards the opened cell door, anxious to carry out their plan, not knowing what dangers awaited them outside the four walls they knew.

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